This poem is based
on With Dweorgh II (Against a Dwarf II) from the Lacnunga manuscript.
Full Introduction to follow next week.
Here cometh hither, a creature stalked past,
Had his bridle held tight.
He said that thee beest his mare to ride,
Until dark day be light.
Last night he awoke, but limbs would not move,
Dwarf sat on chest to scare.
Paralysed and bound, like a spider's pray,
Was ridden like a mare.
With quill in thine hand, and magic to charm,
Runes on wafers to write.
I call on thee Eástre, Goddess of Dawn,
Banish dwarves of dark night.
Help this weapon man, so vexed with terror,
This nightmare dwarf to fight.
He will no mare be, to take for a ride,
Put this dark dwarf to flight.
Leech came and he sung, spider spell nine times,
Thrice sung into left ear.
Then thrice to the right, and thrice above head,
To cast out dwarfish fear.
Virgin brings to hut, seven small wafers,
His neck to hang around.
She will come three days, with thin wafers new,
Until the spell is bound.
Spider sworeth oaths, and maketh
an end,
This dwarf shalt never more harm.
Never let this creature, hurt this weapon man,
Nor those with skill to charm.
So mote it be
Copyright Andrew Rea midsummer 2013