How the blog works

The poems on this blog are mostly written on the basis of my historical reading and are intended to be both educational and entertaining.
Recently I have also begun posting some of my work with Anglo-Saxon charms. This work is somewhat speculative and is conducted as an amateur researcher and keen Pagan historian.

Please feel free to use anything on this site as a resource if you think that it may be relevant to your needs.

Sunday, 29 July 2018

A Dedication to Woden

I fortify myself in this rune staff,
And givest myself into Woden's arms,
Against the sore sigh, against the sore blow,
And against the loathly mischief which harms:
Against grim horror and mickle terror,
Siege staff I bear thee,
I chant triumphant charms,
Let I no night mare see.
Victory words I chant,
Nor my belly shrink me,
But may Drychten triumph,
And against fear be free.

Great Woden that into all glory delves,
Valhalla's creator and eke, Frigg,
Nine thousand of the faithful bright elves,
I call out to guard me against all fiends.
May they defend and bear me up themselves,
Preserve me in peace and protect my life,
Hand over head, the hall of Valhalla,
Mayest there be a hope of glory writhe,
Of the glorious and the triumphant,
Of the truthful wights.

With all blithe mood I pray now, that for me,
Placing my hand over my head to hail,
Wayland my rune sword, with sharp and sheer edge,
Dragon my helmet, boar my coat of mail,
Linden my safe shield, my embellished vail.

Ye Seraphim, guardians of the ways!
Forth I shall depart, kith and kin to greet,
For all of the glory of the ese,
Through the lore of our Drychten I shall meet.

Now pray I for the mercy of the gods,
A good departure through the secrete door,
The winds I know, the encircling water,
For a good, light zephyr upon this shore,
Ever preserved against all enemies.

When I'm in Valhalla, friends I shall meet,
Shielded gainst the loathsome,
In his peace, in his seat,
From those who may hurt me,
In glory of the ese's I shall greet,
In the hand of Wodan of Valhalla,
while I may live in Middengard.
While I have wheat in Middangard to eat.
Soslice So mote it be.

Copyright Andrew Rea July 2018

This is an attempt to add a Pagan feel to this lessor known Anglo- Saxon charm. I mostly just substituted a few words and added a little rhyme and rhythm. Based on: LEECHDOMS, WORTCUNNING AND STARCRAFT OF EARLY ENGLAND Vol I, 'Fly leaf Leechdoms, a charm or prayer', P389:

A charm or prayer
I fortify myself in this rod and deliver myself into
Gods allegiance, against the sore sigh, against the
sore blow, against the grim horror, against the mickle
terror, which is to everyone loathly, and against all the
loathly mischief which into the land may come: a
triumphant charm I chant, a triumphant rod I bear,
word victory and work victory : let this avail me,
let no night mare mar me, nor my belly swink me,
nor fear come on me ever for my life: but may the
Almighty heal me and his Son and the Paraclete Spirit,
Lord worthy of all glory, as I have heard, heavens
creator. Abraham and Isaac and such men, Moses and
Jacob, and David, and Joseph, and Eve, and Hannah
and Elizabeth, Sarah and eke Mary, mother of Christ,
and also a thousand of the angels I call to be a guard
to me against all fiends. May they bear me up and
keep me in peace and protect my life, uphold me
altogether, ruling my conduct; may there be to me
a hope of glory, hand over head, the hall of the
hallows, the regions of the glorious and triumphant, of
the truthful angels. With all blithe mood I pray, that
for me, hand over head, Matthew be helmet, Mark
brynie (coat of mail), a light lifes bulwark, Luke my sword, sharp
and sheeredged, John my shield, embellished with glory.
Ye Seraphim, guardians of the ways ! Forth I shall
depart, friends I shall meet, all the glory of angels,
through the lore of the blessed one. Now pray I to
the victor for Gods mercy, for a good departure, for
a good, mild, and light wind upon those shores ; the
winds I know, the encircling water, ever preserved
against all enemies. Friends I shall meet, that I
may dwell on the Almightys, yea, in his peace,
protected against the loathsome one, who hunts me
for my life, established in the glory of angels, and in
the holy hand of the mighty one of heaven, while I
may live upon earth. Amen.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Hendon Heathens


We have a lot of fun at our summer camps!

Hendon Heathens

Since Phil's mead still brings, out the noble beast,
We still have our seats, at the drinking feast.
And time to wassail, wilt never have ceased,
Under Yggdrasil tree.

Blessing bread and mead, hammer bearing priest,
To noble Wotan, in the heathen east.
Offer it around, prelude to the feast,
And let's all be carefree.

Horns to the ready, and pass the best brew,
Lift up thy long horns, to good friends and true.
Let's swear allegiance, to us Heathen few,
All merry let us be.

To that magical wife, in secret wood glade,
A small oak stands where, libations are made.
Growing where Donna's, ashes were last laid,
We still wassail to thee.

To old Heathen gods, every one drink hale,
Drink it like a Dane, and tell a tall tale.
Let's all see who can, drink the most real ale,
And merry let us be.

Bring us more good ale, we'll raise our great horn,
Up with pointy end, drink to Barleycorn.
There's a lot to drink, before break of dawn,
So we down it with glee.

A few stalwarts drank, long into the night,
A long drinking rite, to the local Wight.
The sound of singing, until the first light,
With Phil's mead from the bee.

To lady bed straw, late for second sleep,
Back to the cold tent, the stall worts now creep.
Collapse in a heap, into the sleep deep,
Wake up in time for tea.

Copyright Andrew Rea May 2018

Saturday, 26 May 2018



He durst stay inside, on such a grey night,
When powers of darkness, are at their height.
Durst that he spy, the shady Black Shuck,
He durst not venture, to his nasty nook.

Though he be stout hearted, and strong of hand,
On this spirit night, best stay off the land.
For this night witches, and fairies abound,
Dark elves and goblins, are roaming around.

Least dark eyed puckers, may lead thee astray,
Avoid grassy rings, on the first of May.
Just witches questing, for herbs of the hour,
Can bear such things, with their strange power.

Worts have magic strength, on the eve of May,
Without use of iron, gather before day.
Carefully they lift, before first cock crow,
Growing in those groves, that only they know.

Collected at that, early morn twilight,
Blessed with magic signs, and spell casting rite.
On Walpurgis laden, with glistening dew,
Then taken to old hut, and made into brew.

Oh strong oak full oft, hast thou born witness,
To lusty maids in, their summery dress.
But witches in the, late nights early dark,
Wilt oft beat those that, get up with the lark.

Copyright Andrew Rea 6th May 2018

Walpurgisnacht is the eve of May Day, a time when the veils between the world of man and fairy grow thin. To the Anglo-Saxons this was a powerful spirit night, a good time to gather herbs (worts) for magic or healing.
Anglo-Saxon documents advise the lifting of herbs by the whole root ball to contain their energy. The best magical time to gather herbs was at a liminal moment, such as twilight. We have reference to the making the sign of the cross and singing of nine prayers or galdors (spells or charms that were sung) prior to lifting the herbs.
Gathering herbs without the use of iron is taken from page 5, paragraph 47, item 4 of the Lacnunga manuscript as referenced in Starcrafts and Leechdoms of Anglo-Saxon England.
Puckers (pookers) are supernatural giant animals that lead folk astray. Black Shuck refers to a legendary demon dog said to roam East Anglia.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Bright Night


A bright night is a phenomenon, lost due to artificial lighting, whereby the sky is producing about ten times as much light as the stars alone. To be appreciated it must occur on a clear, moonless night. The landscape is clearly visible and you can read without candlelight.

Caused by intense airglow, (oxygen atoms join to form molecular oxygen after the sun has gone down) happens about once a year.

This poem explores what might have happened on such a rare night during the cold month of February in Anglo-Saxon times.

Bright Night

Wuldorfador down, bedded for the night,
But no darkness seen, no moon within sight.
Unnatural glow, in clear sky so bright,
Twilight without end, shone on village rite.

Fine furrows in field, clear cut to be seen,
A Solmonath night, no snow or moon beam.
Would dark as Heimlich, most normally mean,
No clouds overhead, all in a cold dream.

A strange eerie glow, hanging in the sky,
No moving lights of, haegtesse to spy.
But some strange bright bands, like fine fields of rye,
Out shining the stars, as seen to the eye.

An aid to travel, folk come to the light,
Halls and huts emptied, to revel at night.
Soon mead and ale floweth, with horns held at height,
Wassailing hooded, folk in drinking rite.

Mead jug bearing boys, excitedly run,
Quote the good drychten, let's have us some fun.
Show me a man who's, horn is fully done,
Waes hail and drink hail, throughout the throng sung.

Long into the night, a few stalwarts drank,
Their numbers count down, as midnight watch shrank.
Then others awake, to join rabble rank,
Crisp venturing out, to shore up their flank.

At last ghostly light, it fadeth from view,
Lay on their bed straw, and left their fine brew.
For the fields to plough, in the morning dew,
The morrow's ploughing, might not be so true.

Copyright Andrew Rea January 2018

Saturday, 30 December 2017

Nerthus Procession


While in the railway station of Sao Bento in Porto in Portugal I became aware that one of the tiled panels depicted a procession of the Virgin Mary high atop a cart drawn by four oxen (see photo). I have also established that in order to have the oxen draw the cart, the town had to have a special dispensation from the Pope.

So why would the dispensation be required? Probably because the use of animals, especially oxen, in religious processions was something that the Pagans did. Now we know that the priests of Nerthus sometimes led a procession with an image of Nerthus (Goddess of fertility, strongly connected with the harvest of grain), so what might the procession have looked like?

Note - Waldorfador is the sun god as mentioned by Saint Bede, alongside Nerthus in his reference to the planting of Sol cakes in February (Solmonath = month of mud).
Weod monthath was the month of August.

This poem is an attempt to depict such a procession.

Nerthus Procession

Cutting the harvest, working from dry dawn,
From the first days toil, harvest of ripe corn.
Last neck of new corn, cut by a young lad,
Taken to decked wain, and ritually clad.

Crafted of the last, central field stuck formed,
To be drawn on high, by stout oxen horned.
On sacred high throne, of long wooden wain,
Garlands of flowers, and tall sheaves of grain.

Our Goddess Nerthus, decked in clean bright cloth,
Singing such soft songs, we pledge our true troth.
To be placed on wain, and bedecked oxen drawn,
Garlands of flowers, on long oxen horn.

Hay wain dressed with sweet, flowers fresh from mead,
Three bare footed maids, the oxen to lead.
Crowned with twisted wheat, these maidens so fare,
Corn dolly in hand, and long flowing hair.

On high throne bedecked, with fresh fragrant flowers,
Cut from the meadow, holy herb bowers.
Nerthus hail unto thee, sacred chant to read,
With broach on fine gown, long robed priest to lead.

Along the headland, and into long lane,
Singing to Nerthus, on high on her wain.
Ample abundance, in her golden gown,
Winding their way to, centre of small town.

Weod monthath with, warm waldorfador,
Long robed Nerthus priest, soft chanting galdor.
Hymns to our lady, on highest wain top,
From evil forces, protecting the crop.

Copyright Andrew Rea Yule 2017