How the blog works

The poems on this blog are mostly written on the basis of my historical reading and are intended to be both educational and entertaining.
Recently I have also begun posting some of my work with Anglo-Saxon charms. This work is somewhat speculative and is conducted as an amateur researcher and keen Pagan historian.

Please feel free to use anything on this site as a resource if you think that it may be relevant to your needs.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Lacnunga CV - A puzzle Solved?

A puzzle Solved?
Here is an untranslated incantation from a healing charm in an Anglo-Saxon medical manuscript:

Lacnunga CV
Ecce dolgula medit dudum beðegunda breðegunda
elecunda eleuacha mottem mee renum orþa fueþa
letaues noeues terre dolge drore uhic alleluia
Singe man þis gebed on þæt se man drincan wille, nygan siþan, 
& pater noster nigan siþan.

Translation of lines 4 and 5 From Old English
Let one sing this prayer over that which a man is about to drink, nine times, and the Paternoster nine times.

The first 3 lines
The considered opinion over this charm (lines 1-3) is that it was written in a Latin like way, to give authority, starting and ending with actual Latin words but with pseudo Latin within. To this was added some Old Irish, as was sometimes used as a way to add extra energy to a charm. Some words are used for their tonal qualities and associations with known language of the time. The intent was to evoke a sense of magic. This Anglo-Saxon charm contains both rhythm and alliteration. The charm was therefore written in a pseudo language without obvious meaning but played on relevant words of power and healing and was not intended to be translated, however we can find some hidden meaning:

The first 3 lines yield up the following:
See (here)! Banish (this) little injury, eats? salve abounding, abounding,
healing-abounding, mote of my kidneys, formulate a charm,
letaues noeues (no meaning found) let sorrowful suffering fail, alleluia.

So a free flowing possible meaning:
Attention! consume (this) decoction (to) banish (this) little injury, abounding abounding!
Healing-abounding charm formulated to reduce (the toxin to expel from) my kidneys,
Abracadabra, let (this) sorrowful suffering fail, alleluia.

So the charm appears to be used to expel toxins.

I now intend to produce a poetic version of this with the intent of reproducing the feel of the original charm with hidden meaning, rhythm and alliteration.

I wish to thank Dr Clive Tolley for his kind help in supplying me with some useful information with regards to the understanding of this charm.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

The Galdre

As soft sun slips down, the wizard didst cast,
In long robe with broach, as done in the past.
The height of summer, sunshine burning bright,
Spell crafting by singing, into the night.

With galdor in verse, invoke Spider Wight,
Silently spinning, on this sacred site.
Earth fast standing stone, now older than time,
Focusing spirit, in verse and in rhyme.

Palest moon shadow, raising his right palm,
Conjure Earth forces, with ritual to charm.
Intone runic spell, four quarters to north,
From realm of spirit, moon magic shines forth.

Sacred stone lichen, wilt guard against elf,
Sing nine times over, for restoring health.
Whoso doeth it, has curse of the priest,
In thousand winters, this wilt not have ceased!

Combine with some herbs, protect thee from harm,
Working with magic, wilt elf shot disarm.
Make offerings to stones, as the witches say,
May the way of Wyrd, please keep galdre fay.

Copyright Andrew Rea March 2014

Notes to 'the Galdre'

Galdre is the old English for wizard.
Galdor is the old English for spell or charm which were sung when cast.
Spider Wights are goodly supernatural creatures. Spiders were sometimes kept in a pouch and worn around the neck to bring protection.

From Lacnunga 74 we have reference to using the four quarters in a spell.

The use of lichen from stone crucifixes in charms against diseases caused by elves is mentioned in Leechbook III LXII-1

Bishops and priests were known to place curses on followers of the old ways.

Laws of Aelfred C890: some men are so blind that  bring their offering to
earth-fast stone and also to trees and to wellsprings, as the witches teach.

In Stoodleys analysis of 1636 undisturbed adult Anglo-Saxon burials, from forty-six sites of early Anglo-Saxon England he counted nineteen males buried with womens dress accessories (4.63%). These may have had a ritual status as a shaman or wizard. There is potential correlation between this and the Scandinavian association of men performing seidr with cross-dressing.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

A puzzle from Lacnunga CV

Here is an untranslated incantation from a healing charm in an Anglo-Saxon medical manuscript:

Ecce dolgula medit dudum bethegunda brethegunda
elecunda eleuachia mottem mee renum ortha fuetha
letaues noeues terre dolge drore uhic. alleluiah •

Can anyone help translate this, you would be the first!

I have tried an online translator, Latin produces a few words (see my notes below). It may include elements of Old Irish (this was common in Saxon times to add power to the charm) these words may then have been miscopied. Anyone having any knowledge of Old Irish of even modern Irish may be able to see a word or two.

My notes:

Lacnunga CV
In the Lacnunga this is written as one paragraph, without a heading, I have separated the text into two paragraphs for clarity.

Ecce dolgula medit dudum bethegunda brethegunda
elecunda eleuachia mottem mee renum ortha fuetha
letaues noeues terre dolge drore uhic. alleluiah •

Singe man this gebed on th se man drmcan wille nygan sithan. 7(&) pater noster nigan fithan.

Translation of the second paragraph
Let one sing this prayer over that which a man is about to drink, nine times, and the Paternoster nine times.

The first paragraph
Although one can find a few Latin words and even two OE words in this charm it refuses to be translated, nevertheless we can however find metre, alliteration and indication of  half lines; all the hall marks of Anglo-Saxon poetry.
Possibly the meaning has been lost through an accumulation of errors coming from many copying’s of the text.
One can imagine a læce (healer) or galdre (wizard) chanting this galdor (charm/spell) rhythmically nine times over the sick to induce a healing state.
We notice again the use of the number nine which was to the Anglo-Saxon’s the most sacred number.

If we add Caesuras (breaks in the lines) we get:
Ecce dolgula medit dudum    bethegunda brethegunda
Elecunda eleuachia    mottem mee renum ortha fuetha
Letaues noeues terre dolge   drore uhic. alleluiah .

Which I think gives a metre:
9 8
8 9
8 8                              

The use of the charm is lost without its heading and the location in the manuscripts offers little help: it is found between CIV For a woman who cannot rear her child and
CVI. Against churnels (swollen glands).

Using Latin
Ecce dolgula medit dudum bethegunda brethegunda
See               eats   lately
elecunda eleuachia mottem mee renum ortha        fuetha
motto of my kidneys orthodox
letaues noeues terre dolge drore uhic. alleluiah

     land                              alleluia 

Saturday, 15 March 2014

An attempt at recreating an Anglo-Saxon Pagan charm against stomach sickness

The recreated Pagan charm against stomach sickness:
I swear to Wodan, our Drychten, who cured the horse of Baldr. The Scucca that causes such bad pain in thy stomach, that is the source of health of thine servants. In thy holy name, give healing to (Insert name).
So mote it be.
(See notes below)
Basis of the charm written in a margin of an Anglo-Saxon document:

With magan seocnesse. (MS. C.G.C. 41, p. 346, margin).

Adiurer (Adiuua) nos deus salutaris noster exclude angelum
lanielum malum qui stomachum dolorem stomachi facit
sed in dormielo sancto angelo tuo sanitatem serui tui
in tuo sancto nomine sanationem ad ad tribuere

Against stomach sickness

I swear to God, our Saviour, who shut out the evil angel
Lanielum (the) wicked, stomach pain in his stomach that makes
but the health of thine servants. Thine holy angel Dormielo
in thy holy name, give healing to (Insert name).
so mote it be.
Likely original of the note, from a similar note, in the margin of Bede (volume given by Leofric to Exeter P326)

Adiuua nos deus salutaris noster exclude angelum sanielem (should read Lanielum) angelum malum qui stomachum dolorem stomachi facit sed in dormielo sancto angelo tuo sanitatem serui tui in tuo sancto nomine sanatione(m) ad ad tribuere. per”

Help us God, our Saviour, who shut out the evil angel Lanielum
(The) wicked angel, who makes the stomach pain in his stomach, but the Holy Angel Dormielo your health to give to your servant in your holy name of healing. by

Notes to the recreated charm
Drychten is the Old English (OE) for lord.
Baldr was a son of Wodan and a god of light. He is mentioned in one of the two Merseburg Incantations (C9/10) where he rode into a wood with Phol (Baldr). There Balder's horse was injured, and Wodan, with goddesses, cured the horse with charms.

Goblins or demons in OE these were known as scucca. The OE word scucca has lent itself to a number of fantastic beasts across our landscape the most famous of which is possibly Black Shuck, an East Anglian demon dog.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

A charm of protection


This Anglo-Saxon charm of protection was written as a note in a margin.  It has a beauty of its own. I have had some fun with it sweeping out references to the new religion and replacing them with reference to the old! Note: Drychten was the OE word for lord and here is a reference to Wodan.

Fly leaf Leechdoms  (MS. C.C.C. 41, p. 400 margin).
A charm of protection

I fortify myself in this rune staff and deliver myself into Wodan's allegiance,
against the sore sigh,
against the sore blow,
against the grim horror,
against the mickle terror, which is to everyone loathly,
and against all the loathly mischief which into the land may come:
a triumphant charm I chant,
a triumphant staff I bear.
Word victory and work victory:
let this avail me,
let no night mare mar me,
nor my belly shrink me,
nor fear come on me ever for my life, but may Drychten heal me.

Wodan worthy of all glory, as I have heard, heavens creator and eke, Frigg, a thousand of the bright elves I call to be a guard to me against all fiends. May they bear me up and
keep me in peace and protect my life,
uphold me altogether,
ruling my conduct; may there be to me a hope of glory.
Hand over head:
the hall of Valhalla,
the regions of the glorious and triumphant, of the truthful wights.

With all blithe mood I pray, that for me, hand over head:
dragon be helmet,
boar coat of mail,
a light life's bulwark,
Wayland my sword, sharp and sheer edged,
linden my shield, embellished with glory.

Ye Seraphim, guardians of the ways!
Forth I shall depart,
friends I shall meet,
all the glory of the ese,
through the lore of Drychten.

Now pray I to the victor for the mercy of the gods,
for a good departure,
for a good, mild, and light wind upon those shores,
the winds I know,
the encircling water,
ever preserved against all enemies.

Friends I shall meet, that I may dwell in Valhalla, yea, in his peace, protected against the loathsome one, who hunts me for my life, established in the glory of the ese, and in the hand of the mighty one of Valhalla, while I may live upon earth.

So mote it be.            

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Four Angels

This poem draws on Enochian traditions and of course the Book of Enoch.

Four Angels

Angel Raphael, with thine bright blade,
Before me stand, become my aid,
Seraph spirit, make our wounds fade,
Lord of pure peace, the wise one Say'ed,
Help healing RA-PHA-EL.
Thee art above, minds of men,
Will all the wounds, of children stem,
Dark diseases, banish again,
Here to keep us w'ell.

Angel Gabriel, chalice in hand,
From drakes and snakes, protect the land,
Over Cherubs, chubby bright band,
Above Eden's, shores of soft sand,
Give guidance GA-BRI-EL.
Set over all, other powers,
Thee third angel, of the small hours,
Stand behind me, guard the towers,
Enochian an'gel.

Angel Michael, with thine red wand,
On my right side, from far beyond,
Big bright blue moon, in starry pond,
Teach me the truth, I pledge my bond,
Speak thy name MI-CHA-El.
Michael show me, thy hidden name,
Crystals of fire, cauldron of flame,
From all the stars, light lumens came,
Lend loving light to Hel.

Angel Uriel, with pentagram,
Left hand angel, of Abraham,
Over the world, over the lamb,
Chief of thine flock, like lord of ram,
Real angel AU-RI-EL.
Guide me show me, all of the law,
Beyond, behind, thine formless door,
The Moon and Sun, their motions saw,
Measuring time's sp'ell.

Copyright Andrew Rea February 2014

Saturday, 15 February 2014


This poem reflects on the effect of the Roman legions leaving Britain, taking with them also most of the weaponry and some of our young men (prospects in the Roman army were often seen as better than staying, given the certain threat of multiple invasions).
The populous then set about smashing the Roman gods and destroying the fine buildings, even those with central heating! The Roman buildings seemed to hold a certain foreboding so London was moved to the west and the old city became a kind of ghost town.

Some examples of this assocition:
In Yorkshire; Grimescar wood (meaning spectre’s skerry) is the site of a Roman settlement - as yet still unexcavated.
In Hertfordshire; Puckeridge (pooker ridge) grew on the site of the Roman town Ad Fines which had a temple to Minerva.

I speculate that some magical rites of cleansing would have been performed after their departure possibly by the Romano Celts and shortly later by the Saxon invaders. 
Flowing Isis refers to the Thames. 
Glædmód means happiness 


Romans retreated, with all our war gear,
Saxons left city, they fled out of fear.
With belligerent force, was Albion blighted,
Strange foreign gods, were not invited.

Smash the old gods and, drown them in water,
In case they return, and bring us slaughter.
Break down brick buildings, and cleanse with fierce fire,
Westward of Walbrook, its safe to retire.

Across flowing Isis, no longer a road,
No soul now dares go, to this grim abode.
Shadow of spirits, doth Saxons unnerve,
Hypocaust heating, just spectre to serve.

Strange eerie still sights, seen in spectral town,
Spell casting wizard, in long flowing gown.
Cast spells to banish, evil oppressor,
Twilight spells sung at, foreign aggressor.

Be gone ye Romans, return to thy kin,
To darkest Helheim, return thee within.
Be gone malignance, thy powers recede,
We cast ye hence forth, with songal of seed.

By sacred power, of the old stone god,
We banish ye spirits, with flaming rod.
No sinister war spears, for ye to spin,
Out ye dammed spirits, dwell not ye herein.

With runes in the air, oaken rod to write,
Ese of Albion, we doth ye invite.
We write magic runes, with fire and smoke,
Wodan of Wild Hunt, we doth thee invoke.

We conjure thine spirit, with sacred chant,
Invoke runic spells, thine help us to grant.
In glædmód we wassail, thy sacred rite,
Spell casting by singing, into the night.

Copyright Andrew Rea May 2013